Pharmacists are in shock! A student made a breakthrough in the treatment of diabetes.

Blood sugar level returns to normal after the first time you take the drug. The effect lasts up to six months! No side effects and it is non-addictive. The drug is available to all Kenyan residents.

The revolutionary discovery belongs to a second-year student of the University of Nairobi Medical School - Jackson Nganga. At the 55th annual Congress of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, he presented the biologically active supplement Diabextan.

Clinical studies have surprised the world of medicine: there are no analogue drugs with a similar mechanism of action. The drug is made from natural ingredients; it is safe and not addictive. The most interesting thing is: Nganga conducted the first tests on himself.

Interviewer: Jackson, tell us why you looked into the problem of diabetes mellitus?

Jackson Nganga: For me, it is a very personal problem. My mother fought this disease all her life, I saw how complicated and insidious this disease is. And, unfortunately, I witnessed as the disease won. I was diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 15. Remembering my mother's path, I knew what was waiting for me. I studied various methods of fighting the disease, I firmly decided not to give up. My beliefs led me to medicine - I wanted to create a drug that would help not only me.

Interviewer: I know that you have tested the drug on yourself…

Jackson Nganga: Yes, I thought it was the responsible thing to do, besides it motivates to make fewer mistakes. Years of development, research, trials and errors finally led to a steady positive result. After a month-long course of use, the effect lasted for more than six months. I felt like an able-bodied person: not depending on gadgets for measuring blood sugar or syringes with insulin. Concomitant diseases have gone into remission.

Interviewer: After that, you asked for support from the Kenyan authorities and proceeded to large-scale clinical trials?

Jackson Nganga: Yes, in order to launch the mass production of the drug, I needed more data. The Ministry of Health of Kenya provided financial support and I managed to scale the process. More than 300 volunteers of various ages and genders took part in the research. According to the results, a positive effect was recorded in 99%.

Graph of effectiveness



Other methods

Interviewer: How does it work Diabextan ?

Jackson Nganga: Already from the first time you take it, the blood sugar level is normalized. With regular intake, the number of insulin surges decreases and after an average of 30 days we get stable indicators. In some of those who received treatment, the effect lasted up to 10 months. My drug works in a holistic manner:

  • reduces glucose levels;
  • increases insulin synthesis;
  • repairs damaged pancreatic cells;
  • improves the resistance of the body's cells to insulin;
  • removes toxins;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • improves the way the genitourinary system functions;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • normalizes blood circulation.

After presenting Diabextan I began to receive many offers from foreign pharmaceutical companies.

Interviewer: Is it true you rejected fairly lucrative offers?

Jackson Nganga: Because initially my goal was not to make money from this, but to create a product that will help people and, first of all, my country people. If you hand the patent to foreign investors, they will monopolize production and set a high price. I have heard from foreign counterparts that the price of Diabextan in the market should start from 28,400 KSH. But this is too much for Kenyans. I want my invention to remain available to thousands of ordinary people.

On the part of state researchers, the professor who worked with Jackson Nganga was Francis Mwanza. We asked him to tell us about the properties of Diabextan which makes it possible to call this drug revolutionary.

Interviewer: What makes Diabextan stand out from a number of similar tablets?

Francis Mwanza: The composition is completely natural, therefore it does not cause side effects and has practically no contraindications. There are more than 30 carefully selected and tested components in total. It should be noted that the effect of the drug is not only to normalize blood sugar. In addition to this:

  • kidney function improves;
  • blood circulation in the extremities is normalized, which ensures the elimination of numbness and tingling sensations;
  • the walls of blood vessels and heart muscle are strengthened, reducing the likelihood of heart attack or stroke;
  • the function of the pancreas is restored, the synthesis of its own insulin is stimulated, instead of just replenishing its shortage.
  • not only the patient's health indicators, but their overall look is also improved.

Interviewer: What properties of Diabextan makes it unique?

Francis Mwanza: It does not contain chemical additives that negatively affect the body. It is not addictive. The duration of its positive effect on the body has no analogues in the world! On average, six months after the monthly course of taking the drug, you simply will forget about diabetes. What is very important is Diabextan does not provoke hypoglycemia, but reduces glucose levels to the natural values of a healthy body. It is not addictive. These are just the main differences. It is also non-addictive, completely safe for the body and does not require prior consultation with a specialist before taking it.

The results of clinical trials speak for themselves:
  • Recorded improvements after the first use:
    90% of participants
  • Recorded improvements after 30 days of use:
    100% of participants
  • Improved overall well-being:
    90% of participants
  • Experienced the lasting effect for more than 6 months:
    97% of participants
  • Individual intolerance:
    0.6% of participants
  • Normalization of biological processes in the blood:
    100% of participants
  • Without side effects and addiction:
    100% of participants

We do not work with pharmaceutical giants, so you can buy Diabextan only through the official form of the manufacturer.

Price 13980 KSH 6990 KSH
Discount from 50%
Time until promotion ends:
Hours Minutes Seconds

Jackson Nganga will personally answer your questions. Just write what you want to know.


Vivian 1h

What type of diabetes can Diabextan be used to treat?!

Jackson Nganga 1h

Diabextan is suitable for the comprehensive treatment of type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Rachael 5h

I am 65 years old. Can I take Diabextan?

Jackson Nganga 3h

The drug can be taken by all age groups except children. If you are over 18 years old, you can try Diabextan.

Dorcas 7h

I live in Mombasa, can the drug be delivered here?

Jackson Nganga 5h

We have established delivery to all regions of Kenya. We deliver to Mombasa on average in 3 days from the moment you order.

Agnes 7h

Can you tell me the average delivery time?

Jackson Nganga 7h

On average, we deliver from 2 to 5 days across the country (depending on the distance from the centre). When placing an order, the manager contacts you and clarifies the delivery details.

Victoria 8h

I didn't believe Diabextan would really help. Because I've tried a lot of dietary supplements. But after a week, my health got better, even my complexion changed. And my doctor was surprised by the indicators at the annual screening. Everything became totally fine.

Jackson Nganga 8h

That's why we work so hard.

Nadia 10h

My friend advised me to try Diabextan. She gave a lot of credit to the result, and I myself saw that she became more active. I also decided to try it, besides the price is only 6990 KSH. It is available to all Kenyan residents.

Jackson Nganga 9h

I am glad that I was able to help you and your loved ones.

Emmanuel 11h

For safety reasons, I consulted my doctor before taking the medication. He approved Diabextan, said the capsules were safe and could be tried. And a month later, together with him, we were surprised at my health indicators, which began to return to normal. I also ordered one for my cousin.

Jackson Nganga 10h

Take care of yourself.

Grace 12h

My daughter and I have type 2 diabetes. If I find out about some new method of treatment, I try it first, then I recommend it to my daughter if everything is fine. To say that Diabextan surprised me would be an understatement! I have been living like a healthy person for 4 months, even sometimes I don't remember to measure my blood sugar - I almost forgot that I have diabetes.

Jackson Nganga 11h

Excellent result. Such reviews inspire our team to make new discoveries.

Johnson 12h

Can I buy the drug at a pharmacy in Kisumu?

Jackson Nganga 11h

As already mentioned, we minimize the markups, so we sell only through the official website. This way we can guarantee that you will get the medicine at a fair price. Order here.

Daniel 12h

I don't believe it works!

Jackson Nganga 12h

There are clinical trials and hundreds of experiences of those who have already tried it. The decision is yours to make.


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